As a matter of fact, patio door locks are quite important in that FBI statistics show that over 40% of all residential burglars target the first-floor doors. Furthermore, patio doors are mostly located in the back of a home, something that offers burglars more freedom to do their thing without being visible. They simply operate without the same visibility in the surroundings that trying to break into the front door normally offers. This being the case, it pays to consider the locks on your patio door. The more sophisticated or complex they are, the more safety and security they offer.

Most sliding glass patio doors, especially older doors, are often secured with latches as opposed to security locks. Latches offer very little protection against determined burglars with crow bars. This being the case, it is always pays to have more secure locks installed on your sliding patio door.

Here are some of the best patio door lock choices and security tips to consider.

Clamps locks

These are essentially placed either on the top or bottom track of the sliding patio door. Other times, the lock is placed in such a way as to allow the door to be slightly opened. Most of the times, these kinds of locks come with keys to operate the door. Installation normally requires drilling a hole through the door to attach the lock.

Foot operated locks

These are some of the best locks you can install on your sliding patio door. These kinds of locks are placed on the bottom track, and when closed, they offer a high level security. With these kinds of locks, you either have the option of having a pedal-style lock that unleashes the locking mechanism, or a kind that can be pushed down to engage the lock.

Beyond the patio door locks

The majority of security professionals concur that sliding doors are not nearly as secure as locks with deadbolts on the entry door. However, there are a number of additional protection measures that a homeowner with a sliding patio doors can consider.

Decals and signs

Putting up one kind of a security sign or another warning of a guard dog or alarm system is known to successfully thwart burglary attempts. Although most of the burglars realize that these decals and signs are not misleading, it makes sense to them to opt for a home that appears to offer the quickest and easiest entry.

Secure the sliding door’s tracks

One of the commonest ways to defeat a sliding patio is to lift it off the tracks and simply remove it. The best way to avoid this is to insert a number of screws, mostly three, into the tracks. These should be inserted in such a way as they are able to secure the tracks while not restricting the movement of the sliding door.

Charley bars

These bars extend from the top or side of the door and into the lower track of the door. When someone tries to open the door from the outside, even after defeating the lock, the door can open as it is completely blocked by the bar. However, for the bar to work as expected, it needs to be made of a substantial material, for example metal, wood, or something of the same bearings.

All in all, most areas tend to see a significant increase in break-ins from the months of November through January due to the holiday season according to a reliable locksmith in downtown Montreal. As a result, homeowners are advised to take every precaution they can to protect their valuables during this season by having the right types of locks installed on their doors.

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