This surely happened to everyone at least once in his life and it was accompanied by a lot of feelings of frustration and anger. Losing the keys of the house or the keys of the vehicle is not actually the end of the world, but it will eventually make a person lose a lot of time and get through a lot of stress. Also, this unfortunate event happens more often to people who are usually careless.

Well, this article will try to help you find some ways to avoid losing your keys in the future or ever in your life. These methods are inexpensive and they can really work wonders, especially for those of you who are quite negligent on a regular basis.

Get a larger key chain equipped with several accessories


One of the biggest reasons people lose their keys is simply because these objects are very small. For example, a metal O-ring which features only one key and nothing else attached to it can be easily misplaced or get lost in various places. To prevent this, it is a good idea to attach more keys to the metallic ring as well as several larger and eye-catching accessories.

For example, girls can attach a small plush animal to the key chain, smokers can attach a cigarette lighter, men can attach an automotive trinket or something similar. Basically, the purpose is to make the keys more visible and heavier, so that they are not lost that easily by their owners.

Get a beautiful lanyard

In a similar fashion, one can spend a couple of bucks on an attractive lanyard which can be worn around the neck or on the wrist and which will prevent that person from losing his keys that easily. Lanyards come in various sizes, they are ridiculously cheap and they can feature so many interesting and colorful messages and pictures. One can get a lanyard that represents his favorite soccer team, for example. The beauty of lanyards is that they are very easy to carry and they can even act as a stress-reducing object, not to mention that the possibility of ever losing the keys is out of the question.

Get a special box or plate for keys in your house

A person cannot only lose his keys at work, at the bar or in various other places, but he can also lose his keys in his house. This happens especially if that person comes home in a rush and he throws the keys randomly in his living room, forgetting about them. To prevent this, the homeowner might want to create or buy a special type of box where keys can be hung once a person gets home. In other words, a house occupant arrives home, he hangs the keys and that’s it. Next time when he leaves, he knows from where to pick up the keys and avoids wasting time.

Similarly, there are multiple types of beautiful plates made from various materials and having decorative motifs which can act as key holders. Most of them are inexpensive, they look wonderful in any house and they can be placed on the coffee table, on a closet and so on.

Make a conscious habit to always put your keys back in the same pocket after using them

This is another excellent piece of advice that can be very useful for some persons who regularly lose their keys. They can try to make a conscious effort each and every day to put their car keys, house keys, etc in the same pocket (jeans pocket, jacket pocket and so on) in order to know exactly from where to get them next time they need the keys. Also, it is worth mentioning here that it is not a good idea to get the keys out of the pocket in various places just to feel more comfortable. For example, it is not wise to leave the keys, mobile phone, etc on the counter or table while in a bar or coffee shop because they keys can be easily stolen or get lost.

Get a retractable key chain

These accessories are inexpensive and they are very practical. Basically, retractable key chains feature a thin wire that extends when they keys are pulled and a special type of support which keeps the keys attached to the jeans, pants and so on.

Get a keychain wallet

Another excellent accessory would be a wallet that has a couple of metallic rings where a plethora of keys can be attached. Such wallets are perfect because they can hold money and the keys at the same time.

However, if you or someone in your family has lost keys lately then make sure that you note down our contact information and give us a call. We offer an emergency service which will allow you to enjoy access back into your house or car very quickly and our professional locksmiths can facilitate with any of the other key and lock problems that you have.

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